A Life Overflowing: Aziz Nesin 1915-2015 Ankara
AZİZ NESİN 1915-2015
30.10. – 08-11.2016
Çankaya Belediyesi Çağdaş Sanatlar Merkezi, Ankara
Cankaya Municipality, Contemporary Art Center, Ankara
This exhibition took place between 09 June – 16 July 2015 at DEPO, Istanbul, Turkey
Text editors, transliteration from Ottoman script, and archive selection:
Salih Bora, Esin Pervane
Graphic design of the chronology:
Aret Bedikyan Sahumyan
Display units design:
Berk Asal, Can Onart
Display units production:
Nesin Foundation students and graduates
Işın Önol
Organized by:
Nesin Foundation
Exhibition set up support:
Deniz Altay, Gökhun Baltacı, Servet Cihangiroğlu, Kadri Çabuk, Baran Çağınlı, İrem Demirdöven, Sinan Aydın Hasar, Onur İzci, Adil Öksüz, Cemil Toprak, Hazal Ünsal
Commemorating his 100th birthday, this exhibition brings together the written and visual material from Aziz Nesin’s vast archive, in order to know more about this extremely prolific figure in terms of his literature, humour, view of life, political attitude and what he left for the future. The exhibition organized by Nesin Foundation aims to introduce Aziz Nesin through certain values he established and perpetuated.
Besides depicting Aziz Nesin, “A Life Overflowing” aims to relay the history he witnessed to the viewers through diverse forms of documents and open up a space for discussion. It provides an opportunity to look back at recent history of Turkey, to specific events such as the Istanbul pogrom of 6/7 September 1955, Sivas massacre of 1993. The project documents his lifetime achievements as well as the work which overflowed his existence. The photographs of Nesin Foundation and the documentary “Aziz Nesin is Alive” in the exhibition are produced by Burcu Kolbay and Fatih Pınar. The documentary is based on video interviews with students and employees of the foundation.
Majority of the exhibited material is composed of documents and publications compiled from Nesin Foundation’s archive; Aziz Nesin’s diaries, letters, notes, published and unpublished texts, writings and drawings about him, photographs, cartoons, posters as well as objects and texts which were collected and used by Nesin himself. Within the framework of such diverse material and along with Aziz Nesin’s own narration a historical reading is constructed.
- November 22, 2016: Evrensel,“Aziz Nesin 100 Yaşında”, Ahmet Say
- October 24, 2016: Sonsöz, “Aziz Nesin’in ıvır zıvırları“
- October 24, 2016: Sanattan Yansımalar, “Aziz Nesin 100 Yaşında“, Ahmet Say
- October 11, 2016: PolitikYol, “Cankaya Belediye’si Cağdaş Sanatlar Merkezi’nin…”
- October 11, 2016: Hürriyet, “Ömrüne Sığmayan Adam’a yoğun ilgi“
- October 09, 2016: BirGün, “Bir Yazar Borcunu Nasıl Öder”, Buse Kanarya
- October 04, 2016: Görünüm, ““Ömrüne Sığmayan Adam” Çankaya’da“
- September 30, 2016: OdaTV, “Aziz Nesin’in Sevenlerine Güzel Haber”
- September 18, 2016: Haber Ankara, “Usta Yazar Aziz Nesin’in 100. Doğum Yıldönümünde…”
- August 19, 2016: Cumhuriyet Newspaper, “Ömrüne Sığmayan Adam Aziz Nesin 100 Yaşında”