23 MAY – 15 JULY, 2013
Participating Artists
Ana de Almeida | Deniz Alt | Fatih Aydogdu | Eva Beierheimer & Miriam Laussegger | Bernhard Cella | SylviaEckermann | Sakir Gökcebag | Peter Hoiß | Nika Kupyrova | Mirko Lazović | Ardan Özmenoglu | Thomas Riess | Römer + Römer | Pinar Yoldas | Hyung Min Yoon | Gerald Zahn
ART MAGAZINE, Text by Bairaa Mourad, 09.06.2013 (German)
WIENER ZEITUNG, 25.06.2013 (German)
Little bit of history deleting…
This exhibition project explores the moments of possible subjective manipulations, representations, reconsiderations, and interpretations of past events as a response to our ambivalent relationship with the notion of history. It aims at problematizing our possible individual contributions to social and collective amnesia through subtle manipulations.
One could say, the more we learn, the more we forget. How and what we remember no longer seems to be determined by the beholder, in an environment where one receives an infinitive amount of information at an accelerated speed, while internet, search engines and computers are willing to undertake the role of the memory. What can the differences be between how my grandmother and Google remember World War Two? How can individuals and societies reconstruct innovative histories out of the augmented information transmission and manipulation systems of the media today, as well as its communication tools? In an age of overwhelming image production and reproduction time, how strong should an image be, to ensure it’s etched into memories and becomes historical, and how many more images are needed for that historical image to be forgotten?
While the prospects of histories have been progressively re-written from opposing political stand points, as an alternative to established official histories, one becomes more aware of the fact that an objective commentary on a past event with the purpose of creating a tangible history can only be a desperate attempt, or so to say, a wishful thinking. Layers of singular remarks however may open up a possibility to create an understanding of the circumstances triggering the occurrences and deconstructing the given narrations.
The project, Little bit of history deleting…, occupies itself with the question of how today’s image and information production and reproduction systems continuously mislead, confuse and fool, by simply leaving the individual under a bombardment of too many contradicting layers of information. All the meanwhile, history repeats itself in the way it succeeds and the ways in which, much of that information gets lost or forgotten. It invites artists dealing with the notion of the manipulation and alteration of information and meaning within a frame of time, from varying perspectives as well as manners of representation, to confound the issue and to reintroduce ambivalent traces of past moments through their subjective stances, to dig histories, and discover their own peculiar pleasure and to participate in moments of altering meaning, simply by shifting the attention of the viewer.